Eric Perlin
2008-04-22 23:29:04 UTC
Since Larry Harmon owns Laurel and Hardy, I've decided that I own the Marx
I want to see Marx Brothers comic books published under the title "Eric Perlin's
Marx Brothers".
I insist that any future performances of the play "Groucho: A Life in Revue"
must be re-titled "Eric Perlin's Groucho: A Life in Revue".
From now on, any time an actor does a quick Groucho impression on a TV show,
permission must be obtained from me, and the closing credits must say "Groucho
Marx character (C)copyright by Eric Perlin. Used with permission."
I also demand that the newsgroup about the Marx Brothers immediately be re-named
I have just as much right as Larry Harmon to plaster my name all over something
I had no real connection to!
I want to see Marx Brothers comic books published under the title "Eric Perlin's
Marx Brothers".
I insist that any future performances of the play "Groucho: A Life in Revue"
must be re-titled "Eric Perlin's Groucho: A Life in Revue".
From now on, any time an actor does a quick Groucho impression on a TV show,
permission must be obtained from me, and the closing credits must say "Groucho
Marx character (C)copyright by Eric Perlin. Used with permission."
I also demand that the newsgroup about the Marx Brothers immediately be re-named
I have just as much right as Larry Harmon to plaster my name all over something
I had no real connection to!